Take This With You (2019)
This work allowed me to offer an interactive movement experience to people of varying ages, abilities, races, classes, genders, sexualities, and other marginalized populations who frequently find dance performance inaccessible or unrepresentative of their lived experiences. We created connections between performers and audiences through movement mirroring, collaborative sound-making, and shared pedestrian tasks/games. The main event was a three-hour long installation in a multipurpose arts space. Several hour-long pop-ups in Salt Lake City public parks and libraries preceded the installation, a 20-minute version appeared in a proscenium dance concert, and a 12 minute version was presented at SLC’s 12 Minutes Max.
“Wondrous. Organized, yet spacious, complex, emergent. Coherent yet unpredictable. Evolving and ever-shifting permutations of a stable palette of movement ideas. Beautiful, ritualistic almost mystical interplay of choreography and improvisation. Feel like nature. Accommodates individuals. Deep sense of care.”
Photos by Todd Collins